The Khalsa was created by Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji (our 10th guru) in March, 1699 in conjunction with the celebration of Vesakhi. The Guru and the Panj Pyaare, Five Beloved, were the first to be initiated through the Amrit Sanchar and the Panj Kakar, Five K’s, were gifted to the Khalsa.
The Panj Pyaare belonged to different parts of the Indian Sub-continent and had different occupations, castes and backgrounds, signifying the all-encompassing nature of the Khalsa.
The Panj Kakar, beyond their physical practical use has a deeper spiritual symbolism.
Khalsa were given the names Singh (Lion) and Kaur (Princess) signifying unity, equality and the establishment of a new brotherhood.
Khalsa originates from the word “Khalis” (pure). The person who knows the Ultimate Reality or in whom the ‘puran jyot’ (divine light) shines is the Khalsa.
From any religion, “Men of God” who are above worldly distinctions
Khalsa, as defined by Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji
Khalsa is the one that fights against injustice
Khalsa is he who renounces desire for another’s woman
Khalsa is the one who is blessed with the love of Naam
Khalsa is one who loves the guru
Khalsa is one who fights bravely in battle
Khalsa is one who helps the needy
Khalsa is one who overpowers the enemy
Khalsa is one who becomes the crusader
Khalsa is one who faces the battle head on
Khalsa is known as the one who excels
Within his heart there is no doubt