Yayasan Sikh Gurdwara Mission, also known as Gurdwara Pasar Baru was established in the Year 1955 by a group of 11 members. The Gurdwara today stands in the same location since its inception. It is registered with the Ministry of Religion, Republic of Indonesia.
During important celebrations, high-level officials, including the Director General of the Hindu Religious affair, often visit the Gurdwara. In the past, ASEAN Ministers, Indian Ministers, Worldwide Heritage Societies and other Women Associations have also visited the Gurdwara. In addition to that, we also had Hindu's from Bali island visit the Gurdwara.
The Gurdwara links with the Indian Embassy quite harmoniously. We appreciate the frequent visits of the Indian Ambassador, and other high level officers to the Gurdwara.
Pasar Baru is the oldest shopping center in Jakarta built in the early 1800s. This shopping street used to be an exclusive haunt of the colonial elite. Today, Pasar Baru is largely passable only for pedestrians. Pasar Baru soon became home to many Indians and Sikhs as many ventured into various businesses in Textiles, Tailoring, and Sports etc. in the nearby vicinity. Many shops still fashion their original European Architecture.
A Trust consisting of 11 committee members was formed to build and manage the Gurdwara. The beginnings were very humble. Gurdwara was started in a front room of the building at Jl. Pasar Baru Timur No. 10, Jakarta. As time went by, the community interest grew and the building was purchased with the active financial support of "Sadhsangat" (the devotees).
The front part of the Gurdwara was reconstructed as a double-story building. This was once again possible with the generous financial support of Sadhsangat.
The back portion of the Gurdwara was reconstructed as a double-story building linking to the front part.
The entire building was renovated. The building as it stands today is equipped with all essential modern day facilities and offers greater convenience to Sadhsangat.